Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Rape Game

Hey-- I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but it is awful. It's a Japanese video game that is about raping women. That's the game and purpose. I posted a link to one of a few write-ups that I have read.... Horrifying and repulsing.

This is the basic idea of the game:
The objective of the game is to stalk a mother and her two children, described as “virgin schoolgirls,” and rape them repeatedly in every orifice until you “break” them and they become your willing sex slaves. Lovely, right? You can also recruit other men to gang rape them.
The only way to lose this game is if you impregnate one of your victims and you don’t force her to get an abortion. Also, one of the victims may randomly stab you, but only if you randomly put her in the cowgirl sex position. Otherwise, it’s just continued sexual assault with no repercussions.


  1. This is absolutely disgusting !
    Sex slavery is becoming really rampant amongst asian cultures, but this game just perpetuates the thought that women are objects rather than people.

  2. I seriously have no words. This is unbelievable.
